+33 (0)6 40 61 64 47

Joker Clubman 19

Red Star

It is one of the best inflatable boats in terms of quality and seaworthiness. What’s more, it has a certain elegance and versatility.Built in Italy near Milan, Joker Boats have always been distinguished by their pure design and above-average quality of finish.Stability, spaciousness, and that enveloping feeling of safety on board, provided by the high tubes above the deck floor, are essential characteristics for Clubmans. Designed as a family-friendly series, with details that allow anyone to move around on board, even the youngest will be completely safe.

TIPs & informations

To be comfortable, don’t forget your sun cream, sunglasses and towel!

The weather does not always predict and can change the destination of the boat.

Any breakage that you or the persons in your charge cause on board will be reimbursed at the new price indicated in the logbook.

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Technical informations
Additional hour: +150€/h